
UAE is rapidly becoming a sought-after study destination worldwide, hosting state-of-the-art campuses of the world’s most prestigious universities. Students from across the globe seek international qualifications, from Diplomas to Undergraduate and Postgraduate degrees, at affordable fees. With a promising economy, successful graduates have excellent career opportunities in various sectors.


Quick Facts

  • Official Name: United Arab Emirates
  • Capital: Abu Dhabi
  • Area: 77,700 square kilometers
  • GDP per Capita: U.S. $22,100
  • Currency: Dirham (AED)
  • Official Languages: Arabic, English, Hindi, Farsi
  • Core Industries: Petroleum & Natural Gas, Fishing, Petrochemicals, Construction Materials

Presence of top international and local institutions

Conducive environment for young entrepreneurs

Presence of world’s top corporate houses

Cost effective international programs

Cost effective international programs

Excellent post study job opportunities

Strong growing economy

Few of our Partnering Universities

Across the globe