

Explore Sweden, a nation celebrated for both its innovative spirit and prestigious universities fostering academic excellence. Beyond education, discover the enchanting landscapes, cultural treasures, and delectable cuisine that Sweden has to offer. Uncover the myriad possibilities this vibrant country holds for your journey. Come and experience the best of Sweden!

Quick Facts

  • Capital: Stockholm
  • Population: 1.02 million (2019)
  • GDP per Capita: $56,000 (target by the end of 2020)
  • Universities:
    • Two types:
      1. Public Universities
      2. Public University College (högskola) – with limitations in awarding doctoral degrees (PhD)
  • Currency: Swedish Krona (SEK)
  • Official Language: Swedish

Three Swedish universities figures in the list of world’s top 100 universities

Industry-centric courses for practical experience and skill independence, fostering competitiveness.

Beautiful cities, efficient public transportation, peaceful country with minimum pollution

Universities fully subsidize tuition for all students, making education affordable.

Liberal scholarships up to 100%

English-taught programs for an excellent international study environment.

One of the most technically strong countries in terms of inventions

Few of our Partnering Universities

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