South Korea


South Korea, known as the “Asian powerhouse,” has gained recognition not only for its thriving economy but also for its leading role in providing world-class education. The country hosts some of the world’s top-rated universities, celebrated for their international perspective and research contributions across various domains. Beyond the allure of its high-tech cities, South Korea boasts rugged mountain ranges, deep valleys, pristine coastlines, and picturesque countryside, offering a captivating experience beyond academic pursuits.

Quick Facts

  • Capital: Seoul
  • Area: 99,250 square kilometers
  • Language: Korean, English
  • Dialing code: +82
  • Currency: South Korean won
  • GDP per Capita: U.S. $19,600
  • Major Industries: Electronics, automobile production, chemicals, shipbuilding, steel, textiles

Highly competent education system

In the forefront of information and communication technology

One of the highest standards of living in the world

Low tuition and living cost, compared to most developed countries

Excellent part time study opportunities and stay back options

Low tuition and living cost, compared to most developed countries

Asia’s fourth largest economy

Few of our Partnering Universities

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