
We All Need Help to Realize What We Want Most.

At Hanwin Global Consultancy, we understand that achieving our deepest desires often requires guidance and support. We believe that everyone needs assistance to realize their most cherished aspirations. Whether it’s studying abroad, pursuing a dream career, or navigating the complexities of global opportunities, our dedicated team is here to provide the expertise and encouragement you need to turn your goals into reality. Together, let’s unlock your full potential and make your dreams come true

Explore Diverse Programs Globally

Services Offered


Study Abroad Counselling

Our expert counselors offer personalized guidance to students aspiring to study abroad, helping them navigate the entire process from selecting the right university and course to preparing for applications and visas.


Tailored Academic Guidance

Our experienced advisors offer valuable insights and advice on choosing the most suitable courses and study programs based on students’ academic interests, career goals, and personal preferences. universities.


Test Preparation Training

We provide comprehensive training programs to prepare students for standardized tests such as the IELTS, TOEFL, OET, PTE, DHA, PROMETRIC etc ensuring you achieve your desired scores for admission to top universities.


Scholarship Assistance

Our team helps students explore and apply for various scholarships, grants, and financial aid opportunities available for international students, maximizing their chances of receiving funding to support their education abroad.

Services Offered


Visa Application Assistance

Our team provides comprehensive support and guidance throughout the visa application process, ensuring that all necessary documents are prepared accurately and submitted on time to facilitate a smooth visa approval


College Application Processing

We assist students in every step of the university application process, from filling out applications and compiling required documents to preparing for interviews and securing admission to their preferred institutions.


Accomodation Assistance

We assist students in finding suitable accommodation options, whether it’s on-campus housing, off-campus apartments, or homestays, ensuring a comfortable and convenient living environment during their study abroad experience.


Post MBBS Assistance

For medical graduates, we offer specialized assistance in navigating the post-MBBS journey, including guidance on residency programs, career pathways, licensing exams, and opportunities for further specialization

Our Partnering Universities