Investor Visa

Canada Investor Visa

You can gain from obtaining a visa as a foreign businessperson or investor through investment immigration channels like Canada’s Investor Visa programmes. Different immigrant investor programmes that lead to permanent residency have been developed by the Canadian government. 

What are Canada’s Investor Visa and Investment Immigration Programs?

Canada provides multiple immigration options for foreign business owners, investors, and corporations, leading to permanent status. Instead of a single Canada Investor program, there are various federal and provincial programs. Success in your immigration strategy relies on selecting the right federal or provincial immigration scheme tailored to your professional and personal background. Utilizing the free instant assessment tool can help make the best choice, and if further assistance is needed, top immigration lawyers are available for a complimentary 60-minute strategy discussion.

Canada’s Federal Investor Programs

The following are business immigration programs that are created on the federal level.

If your business is already legally operating in your native country, you can transfer it to Canada and grow it there with the help of the ICT programme! After conducting business in Canada for a year, you will often be qualified for permanent residency.

The Canadian Start-Up Visa is beneficial for owners of creative overseas enterprises, allowing up to 5 founding partners to be eligible for permanent residency in Canada. Notably, established startups focusing on innovation are favored for this program, and external investors provide the required venture capital funds. The process for obtaining permanent residency through the Start-Up Visa can take up to two years.

For those who desire to launch a new business in Canada or invest in an existing one, the C11 Entrepreneur stream is ideal. You can apply for permanent residency after conducting your business in Canada for a year. Find out more information about the C11 Entrepreneur programmes.

Through the LMIA programme, business owners and investors can get a work permit and, after working in Canada for two years, a permanent residency. This programme is more specifically designed to hire international workers. This programme is typically favoured above the others mentioned above. Find out more about LMIA.

Provincial Investor Immigration Programs

On a provincial level, Canadian governments provide a range of immigration initiatives to encourage investment and long-term habitation in different regions of the nation. The following is a list of these Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP).

The Alberta Immigration Program is the name of Alberta’s PNP programme (AAIP). Due of Alberta’s continuously expanding economy in the area, it is one of the most watched programmes in the Canadian prairies.

You might be qualified for the BC PNP immigration pathway in this province. Along with Ontario’s programme, this province’s PNP pathway is one of the most well-known in Canada. The largest provincial economies in the nation are those of these two provinces. Watch our video to learn more about it!

The Farm Investor Pathway and the Entrepreneur Pathway are two PNP alternatives available in Manitoba. You might be qualified for the BC PNP immigration pathway in this province

The New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program in this eastern province is well established (NBPNP). Here’s additional information on it.

The Nova Scotia Nominee Program in Nova Scotia offers advantages to immigrant business owners (NSNP). Join us as we learn more about it.

Due to Ontario’s economy, this province boasts one of the most well-known PNP programmes. The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program is very well-liked by international investors. Find out more about it.

The PEI Provincial Nominee Program is made available by the smallest province in Canada to businesses, entrepreneurs, and foreign investors alike. Join us as we explore the programme.

Quebec does not have a PNP scheme, however it does have an investor programme that is similar. You can create a business in Quebec or make investments in one that already exists as an immigrant investor. Learn more about the investor programme in Quebec.

Who Should Apply to Investor Programs?

Every one of the above programs has its own eligibility requirements and application process, but most share some common elements:

  • Operate a successful business or have enough funds to buy or start one in Canada;
  • Have at least $250,000 that you can invest in your Canadian business;
  • Possess necessary skills for business development and business management; and
  • Have the ability to use your business experience to build a business in Canada.

You can check your eligibility for investor immigration using our rapid assessment tool, and you can get specialised guidance during our one-hour strategy discussion with you. You are most likely to have your business immigration application approved if you meet the standards and are from the United States, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, India, or any other nation in the world. In particular, if you fall under any of the following, you ought to think about Canada’s schemes for residence by investment:

  • Investor
  • Entrepreneur
  • Self-employed person
  • Executive or senior manager
  • Skilled worker and professional

You should look into some investment immigration ideas if you are unsure of the kind of business or investment you want to make in Canada in order to uncover acceptable chances and inspiration. Everyone who enters Canada legally as a business immigrant is qualified for permanent residency. You will get a work visa as soon as your business immigration application is approved because your Canadian employer will hire you. You can apply for permanent residency after running your firm for at least a year. You may potentially be eligible for Canadian citizenship once you have been granted permanent residence.

Family Members

Many business owners desire to bring their families to Canada. You should be aware that business immigration will allow your family members to travel with you. Typically, an open work visa would go to your spouse or common-law partner. Additionally, depending on their age, your children would apply for temporary residence permits or study visas. The family members will be qualified for permanent residency as well as the primary applicant.

Advantages of Canada’s Citizenship by Investment Programs

There are numerous reasons you want to make Canada a new home for you, your business, and your family. For instance:

  • Canada has one of the fastest-growing economies in the world;
  • You can qualify for permanent residence much faster than in other countries;
  • Canada is multicultural and diverse;
  • Society is highly acceptive of all nationalities and cultures;
  • Canada supports new businesses, and often the government will provide subsidies and rebates for certain industry sectors;
  • Canada has a free healthcare system; and
  • Education in Canada is highly affordable and is of a very high standard.

How much do you need to invest to immigrate to Canada and get a permanent residence?

In our experience, foreign entrepreneurs, investors, and companies will generally need at least $250,000 to invest in their Canadian businesses through Canada’s investment immigration programs.

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